Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Woods between Worlds...

My little brother finished "The Chronicles of Narnia" in not even a month! I brought it to him while I'm in Hong Kong. It's the full version and he used only weeks to finish the 7books! And he'll always share with me after he finishes one book or a chapter. I have the satisfaction of buying this book... After hearing his sharing, I always feel like to read the book too...but I just let him finish 1st...but i din respect he'll finish that so fast!

I start the 1st book yesterday and till the 3rd chapter-Woods between Worlds. It's describing a little girl and a little boy, fall into the trap of the "false magician" by taking the yellow and the green rings. They reached a forest which seemed like an island surrounding by different pools. Later they discovered that different pools can reach different world. So they marked the pool that they came from and wear the green ring to start their discovery...

I feel that the book is "Woods between worlds" to me and my brother. We are somehow can be described as two different worlds' person. By using the "rings", we linked together and meet in the same land-the woods. Together, hand in hand, we jump into different pool and discover new world in Narnia...

The net can also be described as woods between worlds. With the "yellow rings" and the "green rings on your mouse", you can jump into different pools as you like. There's a part of the book said that they children tried to jump back the world they came from and switch the rings back so that they can back to the woods w'out completely reach their own world. So, when you search the net, by "accidently click" you went some place that you suppost not to reach, you can faster swith the ring back and back your own world. Similarly, you can mark your own world. Like, if you like to read in my blogspot, you can mark it in the favourite or bookmark it.... hahahaha...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the books!!!!

i've yet to finish the 5th, 6th and 7th book though!!!

the books are just so awesome! u can ssee the subtle link with the stories and the bible ;) and in some sense, reading these stories somehow enlightened me in certain areas and enabled me to understand the bible better, and most importantly, get to see Jesus from a clearer view too ;)

i love the lion!!! Aslan!!! :)

2:02 PM  
Blogger Joseph KS said...

One of the reason why I brought the book, is that I want to explore the subtle links with the bible. i knoew it cos a friend-clm showed me.. Thanks her...

9:55 AM  

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