Thursday, July 27, 2006

Experience God in hard times!

I heard the title "Experience God in hard times!" too many times. And somehow I just advicing people to think of that when they are in hardtimes but not for myself...

Yesterday, actually the day before, I had some trouble in my mind. I'm having test that approved by God. I'm weak. I don't know how to against it. I pray and I prayed but it com and coming again and again. i slept so late these two days... can't work properly... even can't pray porperly...

Yesterday night, can't sleep again... was writing diary... A sudden touch from God, I wrote a song. Though i think the melody isn't really good but the lyrics are suit to my heart:

V:困难重重包围着我 我不知如何解决
试探重重围绕着我 我不知如何面对


主啊 助我
主啊 帮我
我软弱 祢刚强
我知靠主力量 必胜过

主啊 助我
主啊 帮我
我软弱 祢刚强
靠主力量 我必胜过

The song is saying I'm in trouble and tests, I have no idea how to face those.
There's time when I feel alone!

Lord, Help me! I'm weak but you are strong. I know by Your strenth and power, I will gain victory!

Thank you Lord! Let me experience You! You won't leave us alone in any circumstances!


Blogger glo teng said...

we'll gain victory! :)

9:22 PM  

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